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Open access e-resources

Access mode: available freely from any location

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Description and content

Content: online journal of arts and law


Description and content

Content: database of bibliographic references of foreign legal journals on human rights, European Union law, communication and information law and technologies, information and computer law, philosophy and general theory of law.


Description and content

Content: entire collection of the Historical Official Gazette from 1860 to 1946 (Official Gazette of the Kingdom and Official Gazette of the Kingdom of Italy). The consultation takes place by date, through a chronological bar.


Description and content

Content: all online publications of the Bank of Italy since 1896.


Description and content

Content: site of the CNEL, National Council of Economy and Labor, from which it is possible to download many documents.


Description and content

Content: online journal of Constitutional Law.


Description and content

Content: digital library on the social and economic transformations of Piedmont and Turin.


Description and content

Content: repertoire of open access and peer reviewed online academic journals.


Description and content

Content: repertoire of online academic volumes with open access, peer reviewed. Various publishers with international coverage are represented; you can also find the volumes in open access published by Firenze University Press (FUP).


Description and content

Content: administrative law review of doctrine, jurisprudence and documentation; publishes articles, reviews, observers, legislative acts, bills, provisions of national, EU and other countries bodies, bibliography. Available online free from 2018 (previous years are available in hard copy in the library).


Description and content

Content: internet portal focused on anti-discrimination law, by the Department of Legal Sciences (DiSG) of the University of Udine. EQUAL was conceived as an aid for innovative teaching, as a space for the sharing of ideas and the dissemination of research and as a tool for the social, cultural and economic development of the society in which we live.


Description and content

Content: review of numerous Italian journals of social sciences, economics, law and history, including some Italian series of working papers for economics and social sciences. Each record contains the bibliographic data, the libraries belonging to ESSPER that hold the periodical in which the article was published, the link to automatically search the ANCP catalogue of Italian periodicals.


Description and content

Content: collection of working papers in the economic field by the main Italian research bodies and universities. It is possible to do combined research on multiple collections at the same time


Description and content

Content source of statistical data in the demographic, economic and social fields of the member countries of the European Union by the Statistical Office of the European Union.


Description and content

Contenuto: online journal of Italian, EU and comparative public law.


Description and content

Content all the series from the late 80s to today, readable in their entirety on the same evening of the day of publication of the paper. Historical archive of regulatory measures from 1948 to the end of the 1980s, in their entire text.


Description and content

Content: RECOMMENDATION OF THE WORKING DOCUMENTS OF THE IEL International Program in Comparative Analysis of Institutions, Economics and Law. They are published by the POLIS Institute of DiGSPES, University of Eastern Piedmont, partner of the programme, and published on RePEc.


Description and content

Content: pubblicazioni e riviste dell'IRES Piemonte, istituto di ricerca che svolge la sua attività d’indagine in campo socio-economico e territoriale piemontese.


Description and content

Content: the site provides access to the databases of the National Institute of Statistics and to the data collected by the Institute. All ISTAT publications have been freely accessible since 2004.


Description and content

Content: global directory of repositories with open access to scientific research results of guaranteed quality. You can search and browse thousands of registered repositories based on a range of features, such as location, software, or type of material held.


Description and content

Content working papers in the economic field published by the POLIS Institute of the DiGSPES University of Eastern Piedmont.


Description and content

Content bibliographic database of working documents, journal articles, books, book chapters and software components created to improve the dissemination of research in economics and related sciences.


Description and content

Content: publishes contributions on the subject of legal information technology and information technology law, including studies and critical analyzes both on the application problems of new information technologies in the field of law, and on the regulation of the development of information technology and telematics in modern societies. Available online free from 2019 (new series of the journal Informatics and Law present in the library in the paper version).


Description and content

Content: open archive of social sciences; offers the possibility to upload and search working documents, preprints (final version of the article before its publication in a journal) and published documents, with the possibility of linking data and code.


Description and content

Content: database of preprint articles (final version of the article before its publication in a journal) in the field of social sciences and humanities.


Last modified 5 August 2022